About Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit, they send information back to our website so that it recognises your settings and preferences when you visit our website. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

How to manage your cookie settings

By clicking ‘Accept’ on the pop-up layer you are consenting to us placing cookies on your computer. If you choose not to ‘Accept’ the use of cookies we use to provide our website service, we cannot place cookies on your computer and this will affect the performance of certain functions on the site.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.

For more information on the International Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom guide, visit www.international-chamber.co.uk/our-expertise/digitaleconomy

Why we use cookies

We use cookies not only to make our websites work, but also to improve how they work so that we can offer you the best browsing experience. For example if you use our dealer locator service and have cookies enabled our website will be receive information from your computer regarding the last town or location you searched for on our dealer locator service, this saves you having to re-enter the information every time.

The cookies we use are classed by the International Chamber of Commerce guide for cookie categories:

Strictly necessary cookies - essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as

accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies services you have asked for, like shopping baskets or e-billing, cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information, they are integral to the functionality of the website, without them the sites will not work correctly. Under the E-Privacy rules, these cookies are allowed and we automatically place them on your browser. If you choose to disable these cookies it is on the understanding that this website will not work correctly.

Performance cookies - collect information about how visitors use a website, for instance which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. These cookies don’t collect information that identifies a visitor. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. It is only used to improve how a website works.

Functionality cookies - allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to text size, fonts and other parts of web pages that you can customise. The information these cookies collect may be anonymised and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.

Targeting or advertising cookies - used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are usually placed by advertising

networks with the website operator’s permission. They remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers.

Third party cookies – we have taken steps to try to ensure that the cookies being used fit the descriptions used above and that the ‘Accept’ or ‘No thanks’ selection will honour your wishes but some third party cookies may still get downloaded. Unfortunately we do not have control over these cookies, in this case you should refer to the list of cookies on this page which provides further details.


Web analytics in using user profiles

We use web analytics tools for the purposes of advertising, market research and for user feedback on the design of our website (and, where applicable, the newsletter). For these purposes, we use analysis cookies and/or JavaScript to collect and process usage data about your visit to our website and your use of links in the newsletter (if available). The collection of your usage data and the creation of a usage profile from it is carried out using a cookie ID. Your IP address is either not collected or anonymised immediately after collection. Therefore, it is not possible to directly deduce your identity from the ID used.

You can find below additional information on the web analytics tools we and our partners use and how you can prevent or restrict the particluar web analytics tool from collecting and processing your data

Adobe Analytics (Adobe Marketing Cloud)

For web analytics we use Adobe Audience Manager und Adobe Tracking (“Adobe Analytics”) a service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd., 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Park, Dublin 24, Ireland ("Adobe. The information relating to your use of our website is transferred to Adobe servers, analysed and solely returned to us as cumulative data. This data allows us to identify trends in how the website is generally used. We do not conflate the resultant usage profiles with your name or any other details that could disclose your identity, such as your e-mail address. The usage data is stored by the service used for a maximum duration of 37 months from the date on which it was collected.

Opt-out: Please use Adobe's opt-out website if you wish to prevent your usage data being collected. You can find information about how Adobe Analytics cookies work and the opt-out option via the following link: http://www.adobe.com/privacy/opt-out.html

AdobeTest and Target

Adobe Test & Target (a service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd., 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Park, Dublin 24, Ireland „Adobe“) works on the basis of A/B tests. This means that the person using our website is shown a different version of the website from the original (e.g. with altered design and content). Comparing both versions provides us with information about which version of our website is preferred by users. When Adobe Test & Target is used, the only information relating to you that is processed cannot be used to identify you. IP anonymisation is also activated, meaning that your IP address is shortened before Adobe Test & Target carries out any further processing. We do not conflate the usage profiles resulting from this with your name or any other details that could disclose your identity, such as your e-mail address.

The usage data is stored by the service used for a maximum duration of 37 months from the date on which it was collected.Opt-out: Please use the following link if you wish to prevent your usage data being collected: https://bsh.tt.omtrdc.net/optout. You can find information about how Adobe Test & Target cookies work and the opt-out option via the following link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/opt-out.html


You can purchase a large number of our products directly via the corresponding hyperlinks (e.g. a button “Buy Online”)to cooperating dealers' online stores (e.g. the function "Visit retailer shop"). If you follow the respective hyperlink to the choosen product page in the dealer's online store, we use Javascript code and cookies (i.e. conversion tracking) to log that you clicked on the hyperlink and whether or not you purchase the product in the dealer's online store. The usage data collected in this way is used to measure the attractiveness of the "Visit retailer shop" function and, where applicable, for commission settlement purposes with the dealer's online store (i.e. affiliate marketing). Sometimes dealers' online stores pay us a commission when we successfully redirect prospective buyers and customers to them.

We use the service provider ChannelSight Ltd., Suite 3, Anglesea House, Carysfort Ave., Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland (www.channelsight.com) for tracking purposes. The information relating to your use of the "Go to dealer's website" function is transmitted to ChannelSight servers, analysed and returned to us, to allow us to evaluate trends relating to use of the "Visit retailers shop" function.

Please note that the aforementioned tracking is directly connected to the "Visit retailer shop" function, where we will you inform directly of the intended use of data. By using the "Visit retailer shop" button on our website, you give your consent for the inter-website recording of your website use and the analysis by us for the indicated purposes, and in particular to the associated data collection by ChannelSight and the retailer, as well as the transfer of data from ChannelSight and the retailer to us. The usage data is deleted once it is no longer required for commission settlement and analysis.

Opt-out:To prevent the collection of usage data via Channelsight, please use the Channelsight opt-out Web site with the following link: https://www.channelsight.com/privacypolicy/


To improve our website and the services it offers, we record the mouse movements and clicks of randomly selected users of our website, whereatyour IP address is anonymised.

We use service provider Mouseflow ApS, Flaesketorvet 68, 1711 Copenhagen, Denmark for the purpose of collecting this usage data.

We do not conflate the resultant usage profiles with your name or any other details that could disclose your identity, such as your e-mail address.. The usage data is deleted three months after the date on which it is collected.

Opt-out: Please use Mouseflow's opt-out website via the following link if you wish to prevent this usage data being collected: https://mouseflow.com/opt-out/

Marketing under use of “usage profiles”

We use various marketing tools on our website if you have given us permission to do so, e.g. by giving us your consent via the tracking banner. These marketing tools enable us to provide you with information about our products on our and other websites that may be of interest to you during your use of our website. For this purpose we collect and process your usage behaviour when visiting our website, such as the pages visited, navigation patterns, products purchased and similar data. The collection of your usage data and the creation of a usage profile from this data is carried out in a data-saving manner using a cookie ID or other technologies.

We also use marketing tools from partners. Our partners process your data on their own responsibility. Below you will find information on the technologies and partners used by us, as well as information on how you can prevent the collection and processing of data described above. We refer separately to marketing tools in our responsibility.

These marketing tools are based on the principle that we place ads that are relevant to users on our own sites and on third-party sites, that can improve campaign performance reports, and that prevent a user from seeing the same ads more than once. In addition, we can also record whether ad requests have been successfully played out (conversions). This is the case, for example, if a user sees an ad placed by us and later buys something with the same Internet browser on our website.

When you visit our website, your Internet browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the server of the respective service provider. Through this integration, the service provider receives the information that the relevant part of our website has been accessed or an advertisement has been clicked by us and transmits the corresponding evaluations to us.

If you are registered with a service of the respective service provider, this service provider can assign the visit to your account. Even if you are not registered with the relevant service provider or have not logged in, your IP address will be technically transmitted to the service provider as part of the aforementioned technical process, if necessary for the technical providing of the service. For example, some service providers also create a user profile for non-registered or not logged in users that is not associated with an account of the service provider on the basis of the transmitted data. You can avoid this if you do not access the corresponding content on our website (e.g. videos from third parties).

We also use technology to improve the quality of our ads. This includes that ads are only played out to users with a potential interest in our advertised products and services or to users with certain but abstract features (so-called "custom audiences").

Below we inform you about the providers of such marketing tools used by us, their data protection regulations and also about how you can - in relation to the respective providers - permanently prevent the collection of usage data. In addition, in order to prevent the use of cookies by your Internet browser, you can also deactivate the use of cookies directly via the settings of your Internet browser and delete cookies that have already been set. Please note that this measure does not delete user profiles already created by the provider, but only prevents the future collection of further user data.

Google Ad server

We use the online marketing tool Google Ad Server (formerly DoubleClick) of Google LLC,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google").

The usage data will be deleted after 540 days from the time of collection. For more information about DoubleClick, please visit https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/6022000?hl=en, or Google's privacy policy in general: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-GB.

We use online marketing tools from Google on our own responsibility. To this end, we have agreed with Google in a data protection agreement that our customers' data may only be processed on the basis of our instructions, may not be passed on to third parties and must be sufficiently technically protected.

Opt-out: To permanently prevent the collection of usage data, Google offers a plugin for various Internet browsers: http://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin. To disable only interest-based ads, you can block the use of third party cookies or cookies from the "www.googleadservices.com" domain or disable interest-based ads using this link at https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en-GB

Facebook Pixels and Custom Audiences

We use the online marketing tools "Facebook Pixels and Custom Audiences" of Facebook Inc. 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, and Facebook Ireland Ltd. 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, if you are resident in the EU ("Facebook").

Facebook processes your data under its own data protection responsibility as part of Facebook's data usage policy. You can find information about Facebook ads and Facebook pixels with the following links:

https://www.facebook.com/policy and https://www.facebook.com/business/help/651294705016616

Opt-out: To permanently prevent the collection of usage data, please use the following link: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/ As a registered Facebook user, you can also set what types of ads are displayed to you within Facebook. Call the following link: https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=ads

Google Ads & Remarketing

This website uses the online marketing tools "Google Ads & Remarketing" of Google LLC,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google has submitted to the EU-US

Privacy Shield, https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework. We use online marketing tools from Google on our own responsibility.

The cookies used in this service generally lose their validity after 30 days and are not intended to identify you personally. Google merely provides us with statistical evaluations. Google processes your information in accordance with Google's data usage policy. You can find more information with the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-GB.

Opt-out: To permanently prevent the collection of usage data, Google offers a plugin for various Internet browsers: http://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin. To disable interest-based ads, you can block the use of third party cookies or cookies from the "www.googleadservices.com" domain or disable interest-based ads using this link at https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated?hl=en_GB Interest ads can also be deactivated via the link http://www.aboutads.info/choices if the provider has joined the self-regulatory campaign "About Ads".

Nielsen Marketing Cloud Services

This website uses the data management platform ("DMP Service") of the "Nielsen Marketing Cloud" of The Nielsen Company (UK) LLC, Nielsen House, Oxford Business Park South, John Smith Drive, Oxford OX4 2WB, UK ("Nielsen").

We use this DMP service on our website as a marketing tool to provide you with information about our products on our website and on the websites of other providers that may be of interest to you while using our website. Nielsen provides us with statistical evaluations for this purpose.

This DMP service also provides us with cross-device and cross-context usage profiles (DMP data) so that we can learn more about the users of our website. These DMP data are processed by Nielsen under the Data Usage Policy. You can find more information with the following link:


We do not use this DMP data to personally identify you.

Opt-out: To permanently prevent the collection of usage data, please use the following links:

https://sites.nielsen.com/legal/privacy-statement/exelate-privacy-policy/opt-in-opt-out/, http://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2&lang=EN,




Cookie Name Cookie Domain Cookie Description
Strictly necessary cookies
ASP.NET_SessionId .bosch-home.ie Our website is hosted on an industry-standard Microsoft webserver, which issues a default cookie called asp.net_sessionid. This cookie expires after you have left our website.
firstcartaddition .bosch-home.ie This cookie enables the basket function on our store to open and save your first selection, this enables you to return to the store after viewing the basket and continue shopping.
N2_SESSION_ID .bosch-home.ie This cookie is using for cookie persistence on Load Balancer to generate a unique ID.
nxm_cookiesubscription_236 .bosch-home.ie This cookie checks whether or not the Cookie Acceptance Policy is accepted for the respective website.
sap-usercontext, sap-appcontext, JSESSIONID, dobLocale, jbo.ApplicationCookie.amDOBDataControl https://portal.bsh-partner.com/portal Our secure Online Engineer Booking service uses these cookies to remember your appliance type, model number and rating plate to ensure we have these details on our system so that our engineers are able to process your service call out. Without this information you are unable to book an engineer online.
secure.wp3 rbsworldpay.com. Allows our online payment processing facility, Worldpay to know how much you wish to donate, so it can charge your credit/debit card appropriately. WorldPay operate in over 40 countries and process around half of all face-to-face card transactions in the UK.
STORE_SESSION_ID .bosch-home.ie Created when a website with store functionality enabled is visited.
Performance cookies
__utma www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
__utmb www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
__utmc www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
__utmv www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
__utmx www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
__utmz www.google.com/analytics We use Google Analytics cookies embedded on our site to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
_mpush .xgraph.net This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
_xgcid .xgraph.net This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
_xguid .xgraph.net This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
ACOOKIE wts.bosch2.com WebTrends provides anonymised statistical information to Bosch.com. Webtrends gathers data on behalf of Bosch about visits to the Bosch Home Appliances group web site. Webtrends uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk.
BEAT google.com We may use the Google "+1" plugin to help us market and promote our business using Google's services. The plugin allows visitors to use the "+1" button to recommend our website to their contacts. The plugin creates at least two cookies, BEAT (a persistent cookie set to expire after 1 day) and ULS (a session cookie). We use the plugin as a convenience for our visitors, and we use it on the basis that Google adheres to its privacy policy - see http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/ for more information.
di .addthis.com This cookie uses a randomly generated number to collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
dt .addthis.com This cookie helps us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy.
ed_c_l webtrends.com WebTrends provides anonymised statistical information to Bosch.com. Webtrends gathers data on behalf of Bosch about visits to the Bosch Home Appliances group web site. Webtrends uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk.
ed_c_s webtrends.com WebTrends provides anonymised statistical information to Bosch.com. Webtrends gathers data on behalf of Bosch about visits to the Bosch Home Appliances group web site. Webtrends uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk.
loc .addthis.com This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy.
psc .addthis.com This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy.
s_cc omniture.com Omniture provides anonymised statistical information to BSH Home Appliances. Omniture gathers data on behalf of BSH Home Appliances about visits to the BSH Home Appliances group web sites. Omniture uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk. BSH Home Appliances uses this information to track volume of usage on the web sites and to help improve the services it provides to users.
s_nr omniture.com Omniture provides anonymised statistical information to BSH Home Appliances. Omniture gathers data on behalf of BSH Home Appliances about visits to the BSH Home Appliances group web sites. Omniture uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk. BSH Home Appliances uses this information to track volume of usage on the web sites and to help improve the services it provides to users.
s_sq omniture.com Omniture provides anonymised statistical information to BSH Home Appliances. Omniture gathers data on behalf of BSH Home Appliances about visits to the BSH Home Appliances group web sites. Omniture uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk. BSH Home Appliances uses this information to track volume of usage on the web sites and to help improve the services it provides to users.
s_vi omniture.com Omniture provides anonymised statistical information to BSH Home Appliances. Omniture gathers data on behalf of BSH Home Appliances about visits to the BSH Home Appliances group web sites. Omniture uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk. BSH Home Appliances uses this information to track volume of usage on the web sites and to help improve the services it provides to users.
serverstamp channelintelligence.com We use Channel Intelligence to provide you with dealer stockist information for small appliances. These cookies collect anonymised unique user, product or service, and date information.
sessionstamp channelintelligence.com We use Channel Intelligence to provide you with dealer stockist information for small appliances. These cookies collect anonymised unique user, product or service, and date information.
uid .addthis.com This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
uit .addthis.com This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
ULS google.com We may use the Google "+1" plugin to help us market and promote our business using Google's services. The plugin allows visitors to use the "+1" button to recommend our website to their contacts. The plugin creates at least two cookies, BEAT (a persistent cookie set to expire after 1 day) and ULS (a session cookie). We use the plugin as a convenience for our visitors, and we use it on the basis that Google adheres to its privacy policy - see http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/ for more information.
uvc .addthis.com This cookie allows visitors to share information on our site across social media services and to help us collect anonymous information on social sharing activities in relation to our website and services. For more information on this cookie please visit http://www.addthis.com/privacy
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, use_hitbox, and PREF youtube.com We may use YouTube to host video content. When you view a web page on our site with an embedded YouTube video, YouTube creates at least three cookies: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, use_hitbox, and PREF. In some circumstances you may also find an additional GEO cookie. We use the YouTube service as a convenience for our visitors, and we use it on the basis that Google adheres to its privacy policy - see http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/ for more information.
WEBTRENDS_ID wts.bosch2.com WebTrends provides anonymised statistical information to Bosch.com. Webtrends gathers data on behalf of Bosch about visits to the Bosch Home Appliances group web site. Webtrends uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk.
WT_FPC webtrends.com WebTrends provides anonymised statistical information to Bosch.com. Webtrends gathers data on behalf of Bosch about visits to the Bosch Home Appliances group web site. Webtrends uses cookies, log file data and code which is embedded on www.bosch-home.co.uk.
Functionality cookies
bosch_layerstartseite_angezeigt .bosch-home.ie Bosch Warning Layer
BSNC .bosch-home.ie This cookie enables to "link" Nectar and Hybris session and contains the website information.
Mobify.js & mobify-path .bosch-home.ie These cookies are used by our mobile platform service agent to manage the state of the Mobify.js adaptation and ensure that our sites work when you access them via a mobile or tablet device.
nxm_categoryId .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores the CategoryId of the last visited product for various purposes such as breadcrumb.
nxm_cdbauthentication_236 .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores user information that is used to associate a logged in user with cdb services.
nxm_CdbDefaultPageType .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores an internal page address pointing to CDB page.
nxm_CdbKey-236 .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores user information that is used to associate a logged in user with cdb services.
nxm_CdbMigStudioLineCustomerId .bosch-home.ie This cookie carries information during the migration of a StudioLine customer to Cdb. (for Siemens Germany only)
nxm_CdbSessionKey .bosch-home.ie Holds session data for Consumer Data Base service..
nxm_consumer .bosch-home.ie We use a SAP based ecommerce system. This cookie is set and used by this system.
nxm_consumer_6_25 .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores user Information that is used to associate a website visitor with Nectar user services.
nxm_customerCookie .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores user information that is used to associate a logged in user with cdb services.
nxm_desktop_redirect .bosch-home.ie Created to remember whether or not the website is shown as desktop version.
nxm_LastBllCode .bosch-home.ie BLL integration value.
nxm_LastLoggedInUserData .bosch-home.ie Customer information cookie about site user.
nxm_LASTVISITED_236 .bosch-home.ie We use a SAP based ecommerce system. This cookie is set and used by this system.
nxm_mobile_redirect .bosch-home.ie Created to remember whether or not the website is accessed from a mobile device.
nxm_onlineSurvey_236 .bosch-home.ie List of surveys you have already complited.
nxm_SearchAddress .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores any postcode or town/city used when searching our dealer locator. This presets the locator with your previous entry. This cookie expires after 1 month.
nxm_selectedCodesCookie .bosch-home.ie Stores the product codes selected for product comparison.
nxm_selectedFamilyIdCookie .bosch-home.ie Stores the ProductFamilyId of the products selected for comparison.
nxm_ShopatronPostalCode .bosch-home.ie Shopatron - Entered Postal Code
nxm_SocialNetwork_Email .bosch-home.ie Login information derived from social applications in case you connect this site via social networks.
nxm_SocialNetwork_FirstName .bosch-home.ie Login information derived from social applications in case you connect this site via social networks.
nxm_SocialNetwork_LastName .bosch-home.ie Login information derived from social applications in case you connect this site via social networks.
nxm_SocialNetwork_LogInData .bosch-home.ie Login information derived from social applications in case you connect this site via social networks.
nxm_SocialNetwork_SignedEmail .bosch-home.ie Login information derived from social applications in case you connect this site via social networks.
nxm_StartPointOfLeasing .bosch-home.ie Information about the point that leasing services get executed.
nxm_SuggestedCustomer .bosch-home.ie User data expected to be logged in.
nxm_TestCdb .bosch-home.ie This cookie stores information of the BLL Test Server usage in CDB pages.
nxm_UseCustomPartnerSearchAddressFormat .bosch-home.ie We use a SAP based ecommerce system. These cookies are set and used by this system.
nxm_valueTxt .bosch-home.ie This cookie is used to remember the last entered location information to search partners for future visits.
nxm_WhereCanIBuy .bosch-home.ie This cookie is stored to keep the track of your basket on Shopatron application.
surveyInvitation .bosch-home.ie The cookie is set after user starts a survey or refuses to start a survey via invitation layer. It prevents the user to see the invitation layer again for a certain time.
warnhinweis .bosch-home.ie Neff Warning Layer
warning_lightbox_2013 .bosch-home.ie Siemens Warning Layer
Targeting or advertising cookies
_gads .doubleclick.net These cookies are used by Google AdSense DoubleClick for online advertising frequency capping and avoiding the duplication of ads on a page, meaning a user will not have to view the same ad over and over again.
_drt_ .doubleclick.net These cookies are used by Google AdSense DoubleClick for online advertising frequency capping and avoiding the duplication of ads on a page, meaning a user will not have to view the same ad over and over again.
_fbq facebook.com Piksel konwersji to kod javasript rejestrujacy uzytkowników, którzy odwiedzili witryne za pomoca komputera lub telefonu komórkowego. Dzieki uzyciu kodu remarketingowego mozemy przedstawiac reklamy naszych produktów bazujac na wiedzy o zachowaniu sie uzytkownika na naszej witrynie.
anj .adnxs.com Appnexus uses unique cookies to help us target our online advertising more effectively, these cookies cookies store ad delivery and reporting data, such as, for example, which ad was shown, the number of times a particular ad has been shown, and how recently an ad has been shown to a particular web browser. For more information on this cookie provider please visit http://www.appnexus.com/platform-policy.
google_conversion_id google.com Piksel konwersji to kod javasript rejestrujacy uzytkowników, którzy odwiedzili witryne za pomoca komputera lub telefonu komórkowego. Dzieki uzyciu kodu remarketingowego mozemy przedstawiac reklamy naszych produktów bazujac na wiedzy o zachowaniu sie uzytkownika na naszej witrynie.
icu .adnxs.com Appnexus uses unique cookies to help us target our online advertising more effectively, these cookies cookies store ad delivery and reporting data, such as, for example, which ad was shown, the number of times a particular ad has been shown, and how recently an ad has been shown to a particular web browser. For more information on this cookie provider please visit http://www.appnexus.com/platform-policy.
id .doubleclick.net These cookies are used by Google AdSense DoubleClick for online advertising frequency capping and avoiding the duplication of ads on a page, meaning a user will not have to view the same ad over and over again.
sess .adnxs.com Appnexus uses unique cookies to help us target our online advertising more effectively, these cookies cookies store ad delivery and reporting data, such as, for example, which ad was shown, the number of times a particular ad has been shown, and how recently an ad has been shown to a particular web browser. For more information on this cookie provider please visit http://www.appnexus.com/platform-policy.
ug .kectd.com / .adviva.net Specificmedia uses unique cookies to help us target our online advertising more effectively, these cookies store ad delivery and reporting data, such as, for example, which ad was shown, the number of times a particular ad has been shown, and how recently an ad has been shown to a particular web browser. For more information on this cookie provider please visit http://www.appnexus.com/platform-policy.
uuid2 .adnxs.com Appnexus uses unique cookies to help us target our online advertising more effectively, these cookies cookies store ad delivery and reporting data, such as, for example, which ad was shown, the number of times a particular ad has been shown, and how recently an ad has been shown to a particular web browser. For more information on this cookie provider please visit http://www.appnexus.com/platform-policy.
Third party cookies
N_T www.google.com A YouTube and Google cookie that stores a unique ID number to track user preferences.
NID .google.com Google Maps stores up to four cookies: khcookie, NID, SNID and PREF. We use Google's interactive maps because we believe they provide a helpful way for our visitors to identify their nearest stores. We use the Google Maps tools on the basis that Google adheres to its privacy policy which can be found at http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/ and its terms of service for Google Maps at http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/help/terms_maps.html.
PP_TOS_ACK .google.com We use a number of social media tools to enhance visitor interaction on our site. If you already use these platforms their cookies may be set through our website. Data may then be collected by these companies that enables them to serve up adverts on other sites that they think are relevent to your interests.
PREF .google.com A YouTube and Google cookie that stores a unique ID number to track user preferences.
SNID .google.com
Google Maps stores up to four cookies: khcookie, NID, SNID and PREF. We use Google's interactive maps because we believe they provide a helpful way for our visitors to identify their nearest stores. We use the Google Maps tools on the basis that Google adheres to its privacy policy which can be found at http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en-GB/policies/ and its terms of service for Google Maps at http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/help/terms_maps.html.